
Driving license★

Today I went to the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Center to take my final driving paper test. I have already past my final drving skill at my driving school. I worried that I didn't study about driving enough. I was so nervous.......and then

To my delight, I passed the test!!
I got a driving license at last!! (^o^)

It almost took two months to get it. I spent my spring vacation going to a driving school. However, I was lucky that I could get it before my university started.

I wanna graduate from the passenger seat and be a good driver soon!! I want to drive now. (> 0 <) If you have the courage to ride in my car, I will take you anywhere!!!

3 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

Nice blog!

Unknown さんのコメント...

nice blog!

Ayumi さんのコメント...

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