
Unhappy day again!?

Last year around this time, I was bitten by a centipede and went to the hospital. It was an unhappy day. :( Now I am scared of beign bitten by a centipede. If I am bitten by them again, I will get an allergic reaction called Anaphylaxis. It is very dangerous to my life. It is a matter of Dead or Alive!! I heard it can stop my breathing and even can be lethal to my life. However, my mom already found two centipedes at home this month. (> <) I will do my best to bug them as soon as I find them!!

2 件のコメント:

Unknown さんのコメント...

いつでもHAPPY DAYを作ってくださいね~

Ayumi さんのコメント...

Thank you for your nice comments, Dung and Mr.Galle!!

By the way, Are you Japanese, Mr.Galle?