
Book Review 2-11

I read the book "TITANIC". I will summarize this story.
When the White Star Line announced the completion of the "super ship"-the TITANIC-in 1912, they said that she was the greatest ship ever built: luxurious, unsinkable and unbelievably. Titanic was ready to set sail from England, teeming with more than a thousand passengers. Crowds on the dock were waving flags and handkerchiefs. Passengers were waving good-bye to friends and family. After three days at sea, the trip has seemed like a holiday for most of the passengers. But soon, the Titanic will be entering an area of the North Atlantic Ocean where icebergs float. All day the Titanic has received iceberg warning in Morse code over the wireless. The lookouts saw a dark object looming ahead. It was an iceberg and the Titanic was heading straight toward it. With no time to waste, the First Officer called for the ship's wheel to be turned as far as possible. Slowly, the ship started to veer away from the iceberg, but it was too late. There was a slight bomb and a ripping noise as the iceberg scrapes the starboard side of the Titanic. Down below, the men working in one of the boiler rooms were almost swept off their feet as water gushed into the room. Within minutes the water was waist-high. The Captain knew that the ship was going to sink and there were not enough lifeboats to get all the passengers off safely. Not far from the panic in the boiler rooms, many passengers were still fast asleep, unaware of the collision. Very soon all the passengers were ordered on deck with their life jackets on. The crew began to direct the passengers into the boats. As the lifeboats were lowered, lights were seen on the horizon-another ship was out there. The Titanic's crewmembers had a way to get its attention. They fired distress rockets that exploded like fireworks in the sky. Then they used the Morse lamp. But there was no response. The bow sank farther down slowly. The band played on, trying to keep the passengers clam. But there was fear. The last wooden lifeboat was lowered, but more than 1,500 people were still on the ship. Their only hope of escape was in the last collapsible boat about to be launched. The music stopped, but the ship's lights were still glowing in the dark. As the stern rose higher into the air, everything inside the ship slid to the front. Every object on board crashed down and piled up. Out on the deck there are still hundreds of passengers. Some were clinging desperately to the rails. Other lost their grip and fell into the sea. Those wearing life jackets were kept afloat, but the water was ice cold and they would soon freeze to death if they were not rescued. The Titanic's lighted flicker as she plunged. People in the water screamed for help but their cries soon died down. The survivors in the lifeboats had rowed away from the ship, fearing that they would be sucked down. But some sailors decided to row back to the floating wreckage of the Titanic. They wanted to see if anyone was still alive. They rowed through hundreds of frozen bodies and found just four survivors. The survivors had been at sea for several hours without food, water or warm clothing. Many were almost frozen to death. Suddenly, they saw rockets in the distance. Another ship was on its way. It was the Carpathia. Her crew had heard the Titanic's distress. She had arrived too late to save the people in the water but not too late to save the people in the lifeboats. One by one, the Titanic survivors got on the Carpathia. The Carpathia headed for New York and the journey took three days.
I got known the story from the movie Titanic. I like the film very much. Leonardo Dicaprio looked cool in the film. However, I want to travel all over the world with gorgeous ship like Titanic!!

1 件のコメント:

ai さんのコメント...

Nice to meet you:)
I have seen the movie, but I have never read it.
I am studying English, so I wanna read it!