
Book Review 2-14

I have read the book “TWISTERS!”I will tell you this story.
Rob was working in his farmyard in Texas. It was a peaceful spring day but his dog, was unhappy. He hid under a tractor and would not come out. Rob wondered if barney was ill. Suddenly the sky went dark. Hailstone as big as golf balls pelted down from the sky. Thunder rolled and lightning flashed. A few moments later there was a deathly stillness. Somehow, barney had known it.
Maybe, it is that Animals have sharper senses than human have. Many can sense changes in the weather, like just before a bad storm.
As Bob looked on, huge black clouds began to spin. They bubbled at the top like boiling milk. Gusts of wind blew straw around. Just then, a finger of cloud spiraled down from the sky. It was a twister. Rob stood rooted to the spot. The twister touched the ground. Mud and grass swirled up like smoke from a bonfire. That was only the start of it. The twister began to move. It skipped and bounced across the fields. It grew bigger, faster and dirtier as it picked up mud from the ground. Rob watched in horror as the twister went towards his neighbor’s farm. It picked up straw, tree and even a farm truck. It spun them around in its funnel. Rob sighed with relief when the twister moved away. He thought he was safe. But then the twister changed direction straight towards him! Suddenly the twister was hanging right over Rob’s farm. There was a noise like a rushing waterfall, and then the barn exploded as if a bomb had gone off inside it. Rob ran with Barney to the cellar in his house. His ears were hurting and he could hardly breathe. That’s because the air pressure inside a twister is very low. This makes people’s car ache and causes buildings to explode. Just as Rob reached the cellar, his front porch flew off with an ear-splitting CRASH! Then came a SMASH as the house windows blew in. Two minutes later, all was silent. Rob came up from the cellar. Furniture lay smashed on the floor. Most of the doors and windows were gone. Rob felt lucky to be alive. Friends helped Rob to clean up. They lived nearby but their house was not touched. Twisters can form when cold air meets warm air. The warm air is sucked up in a swirling column called a funnel cloud. It spins at great speed. Twisters contain the most deadly winds in the world. No one knows what a twister will do next. It can lift up a large truck and smash it to pieces, but leave small objects undamaged. One twister picked up a baby and set him down safely 90 meters away. The baby did not even wake up. There are lots of stories about twisters. A twister once blew away a man’s birth certificate. The twister carried it 80 kilometers then dropped it in a friend’s garden. One twister sucked up some roses and water form a vase. It dropped them in another room but it left the vase on the table. Another twister picked up a jar of pickles and carried the jar for miles without damaging it.
Twisters come in many different shapes and sizes. They can be thin, white and wispy. Or they can be big, thick and black. They can be red or green. If a twister travels across a muddy field, the mud turns it brown and very smelly. Twisters can grow bigger and faster as they go along. Some look as if they have a loop or knot in the middle. Some are wider at the bottom than at the top. Some are shaped like a tube and others look like a slice of pie.

Lots of people have seen a twister from the out side. But only a few have looked inside a twister and survived.

A farmer named Will Keller once looked up into a twister from his underground shelter. Just as he closed the door of his shelter, he saw lots of mini twisters inside the big twister. These mini twisters can rip through a building and slice it to shreds.

People in Tornado Alley are prepared for twisters. Most of them have an underground shelter outside their home. Some people in Texas have a fiberglass shelter buried in their back garden. People without a shelter have to hide in a cellar or small room in the middle of their house.

This story is a little short, but it is so-so interesting. I can learn what twister is. If I live in America in the future, I will care of twisters. In fact, when I was in Minnesota, I experienced storm. Then my host family and I went to the basement to shelter from it. Anyway, I do not want to meet any disasters.

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