
Fake birthday cake

Today was not my sister's birthday, but my sister impulsively bought a birthday cake at Swiss. My sister's real birthday is November 25. It was too early for me to celebrate for her birthday. I wondered why she bought this cake there, but I got known her reason later.
She had eaten this cake at her firm before. That's why she just wanted us to eat this cake. My sister made this cake look her real birthday cake. My mom and I celebrated her unofficially.
It was really unexpected birthday party!!

2 件のコメント:

Yumi さんのコメント...

Your sister is really funny and nice. I want to eat birthday cake, but My birthday is May, so I will buy fake birthday cake too like your sister.

Ayumi さんのコメント...

Oh, I know you can cook cake well! Please make one for me!!!!!!!