
Book Review 2-3

I read the book " FLYING HOME". I tell about this story.
Felix was a blue and yellow bird from Brazil. He lived with the Baxter family in New York. Felix liked the Baxters, but he wanted to go back to his hometown. Every night Felix looked up at the sky. He remembered the big and yellow moon in Brazil. He closed his eyes and began to think about his family. One day he got a chance to escape from the cage. Mr. Baxter didn't want to free Felix, but Felix went away. The air under his wings was very cold. He looked down at the streets and buildings and flied through the city. Some people surprised at him. After an hour, Felix stopped and stood on the head of the Statue of Liberty. Felix filed south and could not see New York at all. Felix was hungry, but he was happy. Two hours later it started to rain. He couldn't see the moon or the stars. Then he found the ship and flied down to it. He stayed there all night. There was a man in the ship and allowed him to stay. The man gave him some fishes and took a photograph of Felix. Two days later Felix filed across Peru. He looked down and saw the Inca city of Machu Picchu. Then he met a big bird with beautiful black and white feathers. He was sitting on a stone. Felix asked him the way to Brazil. Felix flied from Peru to Rio. There he saw a lot of people in the street. He could hear music and saw some birds in a tree and found his friend Aca. He told his story to Aca. Felix and Aca filed from Rio to the jungle. In front of them there were a lot of men and machines. Felix was shocked that sight, but tried to find his family. The two birds flied over the new road. Then they stopped in a tree near the village. Felix looked up and found four birds above the tree. He though they were his family. He felt that he was home at last!!
This story is very easy to read, so I can understand this story soon. This story was so simple, but interesting. I had some birds before and some of them went away from my family. I thought my birds wanted to be free like Felix!!

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