
31 ice cream

Today I ate 31ice cream. My father' friend bought ice cream for us.So I was really happy. Recently,my feeling was not so good.I was tired of many things.But my sadness disappeared somewhere! He often buys doughnut for us. He likes mister Donut and often go there with my father.^^He tries to gather many its point.When my father and his friend go out,I and my family expect something sweet. But I don't want be fat, then I have to try not to eat them so much!!

3 件のコメント:

Maiko さんのコメント...

I love 31 ice cream too!!
It is so sweet♪My cousin is working at there. I ate all free.
I was a luckly girl(笑)

rina691 さんのコメント...

This is Rina.
Me, either!! I love 31's!
These days, my favourite flavor is "chocolate holic"(^ ^) Bye now!

Red Ted さんのコメント...

Oh, that ice cream looks so good! Please send me some ^^