

My precious thing

My precious thing is a piece of paper from my friend. Maybe, other people think it is just a litter. It is very precious for me. His e-mail adress is written on this paper. I got it last July. I will tell why it is precious.
My friend was a foreign student from U.K. I met him through the Joyful English which is a school activity. I like an exchange cultures very much. So I was looking for programs which foreign students attend before I entered this university. I have never got foreign friend in my life. I tried to attend many programs to see and talk with foreign students in English. But in fact most of the foreign students did not remember my name except for him. He was easy person for me to talk. So when he called my name, I was very glad. My friends felt a little jealous to me. One day, he said to me that he would teach me German and then we decided to meet at the library every Friday. I was very lucky that I could learn German and English from him for free. I didn’t tell that fact to my friends and kept secret even my family. In fact, we met there and just enjoyed chatting. But he sometimes taught me pronunciation of German. And I taught him Japanese culture. I sometimes made him read Japanese comics and he asked me what he did not understand. Every times he asked me, I explained them in easy Japanese. Then I was a Japanese teacher for him.
It was nice time for me. It was me among my friends that the only person could get a chance to talk with a foreign student. Unfortunately, he had to go back to own country soon. We didn’t have much time to talk. So he suggested that we keep in touch after he leaves Japan. So we exchanged our e-mail addresses. He wrote his address to a note. He was a first foreign and male friend for me. I decided to keep it in my pencil box not to lose. Recently, I sent a mail to him through Hotmail and he sent me his answer. I was glad that he still remembered me. Now I keep it and never lose it.

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