
A Happy New Year

A Happy New Year to everyone!! We are now in 2008!! The Zodiac sign for this year is the Mouse in Japan, even if I like squirrel!
I want my 2008 to be even better than last year, so I will tell you my hopes.

(My hopes Best 3)
  1. I want to get a driver license.
  2. I want to improve my English skill.
  3. I want to go to foreign countries.

Anyway, I will be junior soon, so I should start to think about my job. (> <)

2 件のコメント:

Red Ted さんのコメント...

Happy New Year to you also Ayumi!!

Squirrels shares some characteristics with Mice so how about we call it the Year of the Squirrel?!

Good luck with the driving lessons, I'll warn all the other drivers in Kumamoto to look out for you ;)

Ayumi さんのコメント...

Happy New Year to you also David!

Are you crazy about Squirrel,too??
Give me more photos about Squirrel!