
About my blog

I didn't know about blog until I was given other's blog a half year ago. When I saw other's blog for the first time, I thought I couldn't make the blog such a complex or it was too troublesome to make posts. I supposed that I didn't dare to make my blog. But I began to make my blog and 5 posts a week. To make blog was easier than I expected. I wonder why simple pictures look cool on the blog. I guessed few people checked my blog, but I was surprised many people knew what I wrote. I am like to use the adjective "foreign" and put photos about foods. Some people may feel these posts boring, but I won't change my policy and continue using them. I will do my best to make posts as long as I have nice readers. I seldom read others' blogs , so I will try to read them steadily!!

1 件のコメント:

Maiko さんのコメント...

I didn't know how to use the blog when I come to KGU, because I don't like computer well;)but now, I really useful for me to use the blog!!