

There is a cafeteria in my university. That shop's name is Bakery. I often visit there to buy breads. I visit there even if I do not buy anything. I like watching and smelling at breads. They make me hungry. And when I go there, I sometimes witness foreign students or teachers stay and eat something. So I appear there a few days a week. I especially like Choco chips melon- bread. I recommend this breads to foreigners. Recently, I realised melon-bread come from Japan. Anyway, this cafeteria is fashionable and fits foreigners. So I wanna take foreign friends and chat there!!

2 件のコメント:

Red Ted さんのコメント...

Looks delicious - I want to go there!!

Ayumi さんのコメント...

Yeah!Let's enjoy eatting and chatting
there together!!^v^