Ellen had hated her younger brother Al since he was born. Her parents only loved Al. When she was a ten, her mother died and her father began to drink a lot. Later she run away with her boyfriend John. She got three kids, but John did not have real job and she worked as a nurse in a hospital. Her father loved Al, but when he died, Al laughed. Al began a rock band and became famous and rich. She was jealous of him. Then he was crazy about drugs which were a bad thing and became sick. Though she took care of him so much, he gave nothing to her. He became good soon, but he wanted drugs and asked her to steal clean drugs from the hospital. She knew it was crime, but did it. One day, she found that there was Al's body in the cold blue glass case. Dan and Linda Future who run the cryonics company froze him to keep him sleeping. Then they told her that he had AIDS no one could cure. They gave dangerous sleeping drug, and then put him in a freezer and froze his body to - 196℃. They said to her that he wasn't dead and one day a doctor could wake him up and cure. Al singed the contract and they tried to look after his money and house. Ellen thought they just killed him and stole his fortune. She found a good lawyer. They talked at a court. At the first, the Future was blamed. But, Ellen finally lost at the trial. She made him AIDS and killed him, because she gave dangerous drugs with syringes which had bacterias in them to him!!
This story is too long to read and summarize. But I could understand approximate that story. This story was easier than I expected. When I found this book at the library, I thought this story was science fiction. But it was another. Next time I read a book, I want to read more cheerful story!
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